Utah COVID Tracker provides a public RESTful API to facilitate access to the COVID-19 data that it collects from coronavirus.utah.gov. Authenication is not required to access the API, but request rate limits have been set on the server to prevent any one user from slowing down or crashing the system. The rate limit is set at 40 requests per minute which is equal to 1.5 requests per second. Below are instructions and examples for using Utah COVID Tracker's API.

Note that any use of Utah COVID Tracker's public API is subject to the Terms of Service.

Case Count



Data Definition

Case count data provided by Utah COVID Tracker’s API represents the number of positive test results for COVID-19 based on the date the positive result was reported. These data can change over time as information trickles in from each local health department. Any updates to these data are captured by Utah COVID Tracker, and the most up-to-date data for a given date is returned when the API is called.

How To

To retrieve case count data for a local health department, send a GET request to the endpoint listed above replacing <health_dept> with the appropriate slug. For example, case count data for the entire State of Utah can be accessed using state-of-utah in place of <health_dept>, and case count data for Salt Lake County can be retrieved by replacing <health_dept> with salt-lake-county.

Case count data is sent as json in the body of the response. Each json object is denoted with the case count date as its key. Inside of each object is the most recent case count, the case count date (same as the object’s key), health department (geoarea), and the last time that date’s data was updated on the coronavirus.utah.gov website (retrieveddate).

Local health departments and URL slugs by county

Example - Case Count

State of Utah

To get daily case count data for the entire State of Utah, send a GET request to


The response body will contain the most current case count data for every reported date available in json format. Published data starts at the end of February 2020.

Below is a small section of the json data that will be contained in the resonse body.

{ …
  “04/09/2020” : {
    “casecount” : 125,
    “casecountdate” : “04/09/2020”,
    “geoarea” : “State of Utah”,
    “retrieveddate” : “07/25/2020 07:14 PM”

  “04/10/2020” : {
    “casecount” : 120,
    “casecountdate” : “04/10/2020”,
    “geoarea” : “State of Utah”,
    “retrieveddate” : “08/11/2020 02:00 PM”
… }


Case Rate



Data Definition

Utah COVID Tracker’s case rate data is defined as the number of positive COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people living in a given health department’s geographical area. The case rate data for each of Utah's 13 local health departments is published by the State of Utah on coronavirus.utah.gov, allowing Utah COVID Tracker to capture it directly. Case rate data for the entire state is not published on coronavirus.utah.gov, and so has been calculated by Utah COVID Tracker. The populations of each local health department was determined using published case rate and case count data. Then all of the local health department populations were summed to get a statewide population figure. This calulation method will be subject to some rounding error. As with case counts, these data can change over time. Utah COVID Tracker captures all retroactive updates and provides the most current data when a request is sent to the API.

How To

To access case rate data for a local health department, send a GET request to the endpoint listed above replacing <health_dept> with the appropriate slug. As an example, case rate data for the entire State of Utah can be accessed using state-of-utah in place of <health_dept>, and case rate data for Davis County can be retrieved by replacing <health_dept> with davis-county.

Case rate data is returned as json in the body of the response. Each json object is identified with the case rate date as its key. The json objects contain the date (caseratedate), case rate for that day (caserateper100k), the health department requested (geoarea), and the date the data was last updated (retrieveddate).

Local health departments and URL slugs by county

Example - Case Rate

Davis County

To get daily case rate data for the Davis County Health Department, send a GET request to


The response body will be in json format containing the most current case rate data for every reported date available. Published data began at the end of February 2020.

Below is a small section of the json data that will be contained in the resonse body.

{ …
 “08/14/2020” : {
  “caseratedate” : “08/14/2020”,
  “caserateper100k” : 8.8,
  “geoarea” : “Davis County”,
  “retrieveddate” : “09/19/2020 12:00 PM”
 “08/15/2020” : {
  “caseratedate” : “08/15/2020”,
  “caserateper100k” : 7.4,
  “geoarea” : “Davis County”,
  “retrieveddate” : “08/16/2020 07:36 PM”
… }





Data Definition

Testing data is only available for the entire State of Utah. The testing data provides the total number of people tested on a given day and the number of those people tested who received a positive result for COVID-19. Please note that it does take approximately five days for all of the positive test results to be published. This means that positive test rates will be artificially low when looking at the most recent five days. All updates and changes to testing data over time is captured and saved by Utah COVID Tracker.

How To

To access testing data, send a GET request to the endpoint listed above.

Testing data is returned as json in the body of the response. Each json object is identified with a date as its key. The json objects contain the health department it applies to (geoarea), which will always be State of Utah, the number of people that tested positive (peoplepositive), the number of people tested (peopletested), the last date and time the data was updated (retrieveddate), and the date again (testdate).

Example - Testing

State of Utah

To get daily testing data for the State of Utah, send a GET request to


The response body will be in json format containing the most current testing data for every reported date available. Published data began in March of 2020.

Below is a small section of the json data that will be contained in the resonse body.

    { …
     “07/10/2020” : {
      “geoarea” : “State of Utah”,
      “peoplepositive” : 705,
      “peopletested” : 6930,
      “retrieveddate” : “11/14/2020 01:00 PM",
      "testdate" : "07/10/2020"
     “08/15/2020” : {
      “geoarea” : “State of Utah”,
      “peoplepositive” : 556,
      “peopletested” : 5963,
      “retrieveddate” : “11/08/2020 01:00 PM",
      "testdate" : "07/11/2020"
    … }

ICU Utilization - Top 16



Data Definition

This endpont provides ICU utilization for the top 16 hospitals in Utah, also known as referral hospitals. The data provided includes the proportion of ICU capacity utilized for covid related health issues and total ICU capacity utilization.

How To

To access ICU utilization data, send a GET request to the endpoint listed above.

ICU utilization data is returned as json in the body of the response. Each json object is identified with a date as its key. The json objects contain the covid related ICU utilization (icu-top16-hosp-covid-util), total ICU utilization (icu-top16-hosp-total-util), the last date and time the data was updated (retrieveddate), and the date again (date)

Example - ICU Utilization - Top 16

State of Utah

To get daily ICU utilization data for the top 16 hospitals in Utah, send a GET request to


The response body will be in json format containing the most current data for every reported date available.

Below is a small section of the json data that will be contained in the resonse body.

        { …
         “01/01/2021” : {
          “date” : “01/01/2021”,
          “icu-top16-hosp-covid-util” : 0.32,
          “icu-top16-hosp-total-util” : 0.86,
          “retrieveddate” : “01/03/2021 01:00 PM"
        “01/02/2021” : {
         “date” : “01/02/2021”,
         “icu-top16-hosp-covid-util” : 0.33,
         “icu-top16-hosp-total-util” : 0.86,
         “retrieveddate” : “01/03/2021 01:00 PM"
        … }

ICU Utilization - All



Data Definition

This endpont provides ICU utilization for all hospitals in Utah. The data includes the proportion of ICU capacity utilized for covid related health issues and total ICU capacity utilization.

How To

To access ICU utilization data, send a GET request to the endpoint listed above.

ICU utilization data is returned as json in the body of the response. Each json object is identified with a date as its key. The json objects contain the covid related ICU utilization (icu-all-hosp-covid-util), total ICU utilization (icu-all-hosp-total-util), the last date and time the data was updated (retrieveddate), and the date again (date).

Example - ICU Utilization - All

State of Utah

To get daily ICU utilization data for all hospitals in Utah, send a GET request to


The response body will be in json format containing the most current data for every reported date available.

Below is a small section of the json data that will be contained in the resonse body.

          { …
            “01/01/2021” : {
             “date” : “01/01/2021”,
             “icu-all-hosp-covid-util” : 0.32,
             “icu-top16-hosp-total-util” : 0.86,
             “retrieveddate” : “01/03/2021 01:00 PM"
            “01/02/2021” : {
            “date” : “01/02/2021”,
            “icu-top16-hosp-covid-util” : 0.33,
            “icu-all-hosp-total-util” : 0.82,
            “retrieveddate” : “01/03/2021 01:00 PM"
          … }

Vaccine - First Dose



Data Definition

This endpont provides the cumulative quantity of first COVID doses administered, and the portion of the state population that cumulative quantity represents.

How To

To access first dose vaccine data, send a GET request to the endpoint listed above.

Vaccine data is returned as json in the body of the response. Each json object is identified with a date as its key. The json objects contain the cumulative first dose quantity (cumulative-first-dose-qty), portion of the population that has received a first dose (cumulative-first-proportion-population), the last date and time the data was updated (retrieveddate), and the date again (date).

Example - Vaccine - First Dose

State of Utah

To get first dose vaccine data for all of Utah, send a GET request to


The response body will be in json format containing the most current data for every reported date available.

Below is a small section of the json data that will be contained in the resonse body.

          { …
            “01/01/2021” : {
             “cumulative-first-dose-qty” : 56428,
             “cumulative-first-proporation-population” : 0.02,
             “date” : "01/01/2021",
             “retrieveddate” : “08/20/2021 01:01 PM"
            “01/02/2021” : {
             “cumulative-first-dose-qty” : 58123,
             “cumulative-first-proporation-population” : 0.02,
             “date” : "01/02/2021",
             “retrieveddate” : “08/20/2021 01:01 PM"
           … }

Vaccine - Full



Data Definition

This endpont provides the cumulative quantity of individuals that are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and the portion of the state population that cumulative quantity represents.

How To

To access first dose vaccine data, send a GET request to the endpoint listed above.

Vaccine data is returned as json in the body of the response. Each json object is identified with a date as its key. The json objects contain the cumulative quantity of fully vaccinated individuals (cumulative-full-qty), portion of the population that has been fully vaccinated (cumulative-full-proportion-population), the last date and time the data was updated (retrieveddate), and the date again (date).

Example - Vaccine - Full

State of Utah

To get data for fully vaccinated individuals in the State of Utah, send a GET request to


The response body will be in json format containing the most current data for every reported date available.

Below is a small section of the json data that will be contained in the resonse body.

          { …
            “01/01/2021” : {
             “cumulative-full-proportion-population” : 0,
             “cumulative-full-qty” : 0,
             “date” : "01/01/2021",
             “retrieveddate” : “08/15/2021 10:25 PM"
            “01/02/2021” : {
             “cumulative-full-proportion-population” : 0,
             “cumulative-full-qty” : 2,
             “date” : "01/02/2021",
             “retrieveddate” : “08/15/2021 10:25 PM"
          … }